Monday, 17 October 2011

What Trust Looks Like

What trust looks like when we cant explain our trouble, or see beyond it? In the waiting room of prayer and helplessness, we learn that questions about what it means to trust God can be almost as troubling as the problem itself.

Take one day at a time. Sometimes it helps to break the journey down into small steps. Not to worry about tomorrow as today has enough of its own problems.

Don't be afraid to be honest with God. When heaven seems to be ignoring us, we can say so. When we think that we have an argument with God, we can always express it.

Don't underestimate God. If God doesn't answer our prayers in the time and manners that we've asked, it's because He can see what we can't.

Expect to be misunderstood by others. In times of profound loss and concern, even our best friends will try to make sense of what has happened to us. They may forget that people do not suffer in proportion to their wrongs. Some pay quickly for their mistakes, others do not.

Ask but don't demand. In desperate circumstances we are apt to think we know what we need from God. Like a small child, we are inclined to beg Him for what we want. But when we are in the presence of God, it seems profoundly unbecoming to demand anything.

Don't be self-destructive. In times of disappointment or distress we need to avoid quick fixes that are harmful or self-destructive. None of us can afford addictions that kill the pain for the moment but complicate our problems in the long run.

Doubt yourself. We will finally reach the stage of doubting ourselves more than we doubt God. He is the God of all creation, He can do everything and no purpose of His can be withheld from Him.

So, even that most of the times we even get confused, we can learn that trust can cry, can groan, and even can doubt. We just need a little more patience as we wait to see that His plans and timing are better than our own.


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