Saturday, 15 October 2011

Books vs Movies

Someone mentioned "A Walk to Remember" as a recommended movie today and I dunno- I feel so annoyed with this. It's not that I don't like the movie. The movie is not bad. It's quite romantic. In fact, the original soundtrack from the movie "Someday We'll Know" is one of my most-favourite-songs-of-all-time. But I wont recommend the movie to anyone cause it's not that up to compares to the novel.

Ask any reader who has seen the movie version of a favourite novel, and the answer will usually be, "The book was much better."

I consider myself as a firm believer in the idea that reading a book is much better than watching a movie because it allows your imagination to make marvelous world and character. Nevertheless, I gotta confess that in some occasions, a film director has managed to take a great book and make it even a greater movie.
The movies like, "The Lord of The Rings", "Memoirs of Geisha", "Three Idiots", and "Charlotte's Web"- they make us think that sometimes it is better for us to watch the creations of someone else's imagination.

While Hollywood has the ability to turn certain books into great movies, some other novel-based-movies just don't measure up to the novels. And sorry to say, "A Walk to Remember" is one of them... To anyone who has seen the movie but not read the novel yet, here's an advice: "Don't judge a book by its movie;-)"

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