Saturday, 29 October 2011

A Hasidic Tale: I Forgot My Prayer Book

A prayer comes directly from the heart, it does not require any languages...

Late one evening a poor farmer on his way back from the market found himself without his prayer book. The wheel of his cart had come off right in the middle of the woods and it distressed him that this day should pass without his having said his prayers.

So this is the prayer he made: “I have done something very foolish, Lord. I came away from home this morn­ing without my prayer book and my memory is such that I cannot recite a single prayer without it. So this is what I am going to do: I shall recite the alphabet five times very slowly and you, to whom all prayers are known, can put the letters together to form the prayers I can’t remember,”

And the Lord said to his angels, Of all the prayers I have heard today, this one was undoubtedly the best because it came from a heart that was simple and sincere.

This is one of my favourite stories from "The Prayer of The Frog" (Anthony De Mello). Many times I feel like- I wanna talk to Him in prayers but I just can't find the right words to tell Him. Lots of things cluttering my mind and cant sort them of. Here's what I learn: God is the best listener, you don't need to shout- nor cry because He hears even the very silent prayer of a sincere heart.

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