Will you look back on life and say, "I wish I had" or "I'm glad I did"?
Zig Ziglar
Frankly it took time for me to think before I replied. I guess I have a long lists of things that I wanna do before I die.
I wanna write a book-- well, I did- but it wasn't that kinda book that I want to 'write'. I want to write a story of my own.
Next, I wanna make a comic. As I got my own style, my sister always says that most probably my comic will be read by comic freaks only :D
I also wanna read all the books that I wanna read. Right now, "Aleph" is on the top of the list. Anyone send me please.. :P
The other thing that I wanna do before I die is travelling to the places that I wanna go. India, Maldives, Tahiti, Monaco, and lots more... And I wanna just get lost in each new place, I love the feeling of being anonymous in a city I've never been before.
Last but not least, before I leave this world, I wanna make sure that those people who matter to me will never ever doubt that I truly love them. Just like in Ronan's song- I don't wanna die with a question: Is the love I give them at the past gonna be enough to last, if tomorrow never comes...?
Most of the time, we only aware of our lives only when death is threatening. Life is too short, do all the thing that you wanna do. Break the rules, forgive quickly, kiss slowly, love truly, laugh uncontrollably, and never regret anything that made you smile.
Your life is made up of two dates and a dash, make the most of the dash.
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