This is my very first writing here.. the opening.. the offspring.. whatever you name it..
Sebenernya dah lama banget pengen buat blog. kenapa juga baru sekarang bener2 terealisasikan (do i spell it right?)? But they say, better late than never.. so, today I really membulatkan tekad untuk terjun di dunia ini.. ^^ bukan karena ikutan trend, or anything like that. it simply bcuz I love writing. i always think that- it's cool that we can speak our mind through this. we can write & share our thoughts..
Cuz this is the very first start, so it's a kinda experiment. coba-coba.. ^^ pernah liat2 blog2 laen.. & some of them bener-bener keren! tadi waktu mau mulai, sempet bingung.. totally blank.. I'm big zero abt this stuff. I decided to start it with the simplest. simple is beautiful kan? & u know what, my favourite's blog- Paulo Coelho's-- it's sooo simple, yet awesome...
I even dunno what to write as a starting point ("dasar Vivi, katanya mau nulis lha kog dunno what to write.." -> suara hati Hajime Saito^^). tadinya, tulisan pertama ini mau dikasi nama "Aleph"- it's the first letter in Arabic Alphabet, skaligus judul buku terbaru Paulo Coelho.
but in the middle of writing, "At The Beginning" nongol di kepala, crossing my mind. padahal juga ga lagi dengerin lagu itu. ya udah, akhirnya terpilihlah judul lagu tersebut sbg judul tulisan pertama ini.. hehe..
so... welcome to my blog.. Just Vivi..
ps: nama "Just Vivi" terinspirasi dari personal website-nya Ronan Keating: Just Ronan.. ^^,
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