- We like it when you lend your favourite book to us, for several reasons.
- It's not that we like the flowers themselves, it's that the flowers mean you're thinking about us. And we love that.
- Those little nonsensical arguments, for us, are fun. They give us a chance to see how you deal with things.
- We appreciate when you can admit you're wrong, but we also don't want you to say sorry too much.
- Men don't realize that women notice everything.
- We are really more forgiving after fights then we let on.
- It's always a good sign when you can laugh at yourself, it's a graceful motion of not letting pride get to your head.
- It's true, we always want to be top of your priority.
- We put in relationship absolutely everything we want you to give back.
- If you don't want to tell us something, you probably should. We might find from someone else, and that won't be good.
- We can read you like a book, so if something is wrong or bothering you, don't be afraid to share it. It saves us the trouble of having to spend all day guessing.
- When we're in a large crowd, hold our hands as if you don't want to lose us.
- We love the fact that you're stronger than us, and that you can reach everything on the top of the shelf.
- The only reason we share our problems with you is to give you a chance to make us feel better.
- It's okay to talk about other women but we don't want to hear anything specifically comparative, unless you're saying that we're better at everything.
- You know that sometimes we don't say what we mean, but if you go by body language, it's easy.
- For special occasions, it's the effort that matters most, not where we're end up going.
- We love the unexpected kiss. Especially the one when you stop us midsentence and make us forget what the hell we were talking about at the first place.
- Sometimes we don't need you to solve our problems, we just want you to listen.
- If the world were a beach, we would want you to throw us into the ocean and then protect us from the waves.
- We like our heroes flawed. That way, they can rescue us, but it gives us room to rescue them, too.
- When we say nothing's wrong, we mean that you should know what is wrong with us without us having to tell you.
- No, it's not alright that you didn't plan anything for our birthday even though we told you not to.
- We sometimes cry, we feel better after a big sob.
- When we are truly angry, we go silent- it's your opportunity to apologize-- or run. Neither will save you.
- We like it when you have a lot of male friends, it means you can maintain a good relationship, like the one you have with us.
- You have the power to make us feel like we're the only girl in the room- use it wisely. (and often!)
- "I love you" is better when it's rare, spontaneous, and really meaningful.
- Nothing is quite comforting as a big hug. Safe, warm, firm, but yielding.
- We can tell that the gift is purchased in the last minute, but we still like it.
- When we wear high heels, we still expect that you're taller than us.
- A single rose on a random Wednesday means more than a dozen on Valentine's day.
- We rarely ask a question we don't already know the answer to. So, we know you don't think she's hotter than us, or we wouldn't ask.
- If you ask how good you looked doing something, we might be honest. So ask yourself first whether you really want to know.
- It's okay when you cry for a good reason. Watching a movie is usually not a good reason.
- Fifty percent of the time we say we're just kidding, we're actually telling the truth.
- Women have been passive-progressive since Eve plucked the forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden. Don't question why we do this, just learn to decode it.
- Making us laugh is the sexiest thing you can do.
- Being thought is awesome. When you're at work, send me a link of something I would like, or text a picture of something that make you think of me, or a note that you heard a song on the radio that reminded you of me.
- Note: we're better at math than you think
- Don't feel threaten when a man chat us up. If you have a good woman on your hand, there's nothing to worry about. Believe us.
- Make us coffee and breakfast in the morning and we might love you forever.
- As men, you tend to forget things. As women, it takes us as many twice good thoughts to get rid of bad thoughts.
- We don't want you to have any female friends. We just don't trust other women.
- If we tell you to never call us again, there's a chance we're waiting near the telephone for you to call us.
- If it's a choice between seeing us or seeing your friends, we always want you to pick us.
- We notice how long it takes for you to reply a message. We time it down to the last nanosecond.
- We need you to be our emotional support.
- The right girl will never be content with the second best.
- Make mental notes of what we like.
- We never forget. It's just in our DNA not to let things slide.
- You might be embarrassed by the sappy comments we leave on your Facebook page, that's how we mark our territory.
- We don't expect you to agree with us on everything, we actually want you to have an opinion.
- Phone calls are hard to come by these days. Surprise us with a call sometimes, instead of a text. We love hearing your voice.
- We're glad when you're NOT on Facebook.
- If you think it's a test, it's probably a test.
- We may not always say it but we actually DO notice and appreciate all the little things for us-- and we'd notice if you stopped.
- We don't want to be the girl standing somewhere and everyone can tell she's wondering if she'll be stood up. It's okay if you're late sometimes. Just call.
- Some stereotypes are true: women need intimacy, we need to discuss things, we want you to be more open about your feelings- so sue us.
- Educated, smart women want to hear how beautiful they are, and beautiful women want to hear how smart they are. Never compliment a smart woman for being smart, she already knows.
Saturday, 12 May 2012
Sixty (Funny) Facts about Women
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