Sunday, 13 May 2012

Happy Mother's Day

Tadinya sama sekali ga 'ngeh' that today is "Mother's Day"-- cuz in Indonesia, we celebrate "Hari Ibu" on December 22nd. Pas buka Fb, eh banyak banget post related to Mother's day. Maklum, I've got many friends from all over the world, they celebrate it on the second Sunday of May. Langsung dah, inget mom-- it's not that I don't miss her everyday, it's just, sometimes I miss her more than the other days.

Here's a poem I found called "Her Hands"-- it captures my thoughts about my mom's hands.

Her hands held me gently from the day I took my first breath
Her hands helped to guide me as I took my first step.
Her hands held me close when the tears would start to fall.
Her hands were quick to show me that she would take care of it all.

Her hands are now twisting with age and years of work.
Her hand now needs my gentle touch to rub away the hurt.
Her hands are more beautiful than anything can be.
Her hands are the reason I am me.

~ Maggie Pittman

My mom's hands told so many stories.. the many meals she cooked, the clothes she mended, the works she did, and I'm sure the many hours hands spent folded in prayers for her daughters.

So, a special Happy Mother's Day to all mothers around the world. "Thank you" seem hardly adequate for everything you have done.

To my own mother, missing you most... 

Saturday, 12 May 2012

Sixty (Funny) Facts about Women

  1. We like it when you lend your favourite book to us, for several reasons.
  2. It's not that we like the flowers themselves, it's that the flowers mean you're thinking about us. And we love that.
  3. Those little nonsensical arguments, for us, are fun. They give us a chance to see how you deal with things.
  4. We appreciate when you can admit you're wrong, but we also don't want you to say sorry too much.
  5. Men don't realize that women notice everything.
  6. We are really more forgiving after fights then we let on.
  7. It's always a good sign when you can laugh at yourself, it's a graceful motion of not letting pride get to your head.
  8. It's true, we always want to be top of your priority.
  9. We put in relationship absolutely everything we want you to give back.
  10. If you don't want to tell us something, you probably should. We might find from someone else, and that won't be good.
  11. We can read you like a book, so if something is wrong or bothering you, don't be afraid to share it. It saves us the trouble of having to spend all day guessing.
  12. When we're in a large crowd, hold our hands as if you don't want to lose us.
  13. We love the fact that you're stronger than us, and that you can reach everything on the top of the shelf.
  14. The only reason we share our problems with you is to give you a chance to make us feel better.
  15. It's okay to talk about other women but we don't want to hear anything specifically comparative, unless you're saying that we're better at everything.
  16. You know that sometimes we don't say what we mean, but if you go by body language, it's easy.
  17. For special occasions, it's the effort that matters most, not where we're end up going.
  18.  We love the unexpected kiss. Especially the one when you stop us midsentence and make us forget what the hell we were talking about at the first place.
  19. Sometimes we don't need you to solve our problems, we just want you to listen.
  20. If the world were a beach, we would want you to throw us into the ocean and then protect us from the waves.
  21. We like our heroes flawed. That way, they can rescue us, but it gives us room to rescue them, too.
  22. When we say nothing's wrong, we mean that you should know what is wrong with us without us having to tell you.
  23. No, it's not alright that you didn't plan anything for our birthday even though we told you not to.
  24. We sometimes cry, we feel better after a big sob.
  25. When we are truly angry, we go silent- it's your opportunity to apologize-- or run. Neither will save you.
  26. We like it when you have a lot of male friends, it means you can maintain a good relationship, like the one you have with us.
  27. You have the power to make us feel like we're the only girl in the room- use it wisely. (and often!)
  28. "I love you" is better when it's rare, spontaneous, and really meaningful.
  29. Nothing is quite comforting as a big hug. Safe, warm, firm, but yielding.
  30. We can tell that the gift is purchased in the last minute, but we still like it.
  31. When we wear high heels, we still expect that you're taller than us.
  32. A single rose on a random Wednesday  means more than a dozen on Valentine's day.
  33. We rarely ask a question we don't already know the answer to. So, we know you don't think she's hotter than us, or we wouldn't ask.
  34. If you ask how good you looked doing something, we might be honest. So ask yourself first whether you really want to know.
  35. It's okay when you cry for a good reason. Watching a movie is usually not a good reason.
  36. Fifty percent of the time we say we're just kidding, we're actually telling the truth.
  37. Women have been passive-progressive since Eve plucked the forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden. Don't question why we do this, just learn to decode it.
  38. Making us laugh is the sexiest thing you can do.
  39. Being thought is awesome. When you're at work, send me a link of something I would like, or text a picture of something that make you think of me, or a note that you heard a song on the radio that reminded you of me.
  40. Note: we're better at math than you think
  41. Don't feel threaten when a man chat us up. If you have a good woman on your hand, there's nothing to worry about. Believe us.
  42. Make us coffee and breakfast in the morning and we might love you forever.
  43. As men, you tend to forget things. As women, it takes us as many twice good thoughts to get rid of bad thoughts.
  44. We don't want you to have any female friends. We just don't trust other women.
  45. If we tell you to never call us again, there's a chance we're waiting near the telephone for you to call us.
  46. If it's a choice between seeing us or seeing your friends, we always want you to pick us.
  47. We notice how long it takes for you to reply a message. We time it down to the last nanosecond.
  48. We need you to be our emotional support.
  49. The right girl will never be content with the second best.
  50. Make mental notes of what we like.
  51. We never forget. It's just in our DNA not to let things slide.
  52. You might be embarrassed by the sappy comments we leave on your Facebook page, that's how we mark our territory.
  53. We don't expect you to agree with us on everything, we actually want you to have an opinion.
  54. Phone calls are hard to come by these days. Surprise us with a call sometimes, instead of a text. We love hearing your voice.
  55. We're glad when you're NOT on Facebook.
  56. If you think it's a test, it's probably a test.
  57. We may not always say it but we actually DO notice and appreciate all the little things for us-- and we'd notice if you stopped.
  58. We don't want to be the girl standing somewhere and everyone can tell she's wondering if she'll be stood up. It's okay if you're late sometimes. Just call.
  59. Some stereotypes are true: women need intimacy, we need to discuss things, we want you to be more open about your feelings- so sue us.
  60. Educated, smart women want to hear how beautiful they are, and beautiful women want to hear how smart they are. Never compliment a smart woman for being smart, she already knows.