Monday, 19 November 2012

Random List: 15 Ways to Make Her Happy

"A real man never stops trying to show a girl how much she means to him even after he's got her."

1. Send her a cute good night text while she's sleeping so she wakes up with a smile on her face.
2. Make sure she knows that you're afraid to lose her.
3. Treat her the same around your friends as you would do when you're alone.
4. Be there when she needs you.
5. Introduce her to the people that matter to you. Make sure she knows who they are and vice versa.
6. Randomly send her a text saying you're thinking about her.
7. Make her a priority, not an option.
8. Movie night cuddling, instead of going out with the guys.
9. When you're with her, stay off your phone.
10. Back down in an argument sometimes.
11. Respect her.
12. Slow-dance with her even if there's no music.
13. Support her ambition and love her flaws.
14. Make her feel like she's the only woman in the world.
15. Fight for her when she's ready to give up and hold her tight when she's at her weakest.