Sunday, 28 October 2012

Where It Counts

I'll never be on the cover of some glamour magazines.
I'll never wear a crown or be a beauty queen.
There are days I look like hell,
there are days I show my age.
But in my heart where it counts, I'm beautiful all the same.

I might not save the world,
I'll never cure some deadly disease.
Won't fly above the trees.
But I'll do my best to change the world a little each day,
I'll do my best to make a difference.
Touch the heart of someone as much as I can,
make a mark on the world where it counts.

I know many who will try to put me down.
Many who would love to see me fail.
But I know who I am and that's where it counts.

~ Written by K.D. Storm

Saturday, 13 October 2012

Let it go

"When a thing disturbs the peace of your heart, give it up." 
~Prophet Muhammad

I don't know why we all hang on to something we know we're better off letting go. It's like we're scared to lose what we really don't even have.

Some of us say we'd rather have something than nothing at all, but the truth is... to have something halfway is harder than not having it at all...

When we finally LET GO of the past, something BETTER comes along.