Dumbledore : "After all this time, Severus?"
Snape: "Always."
~ Dumbledore and Snape discussing Snape's continued love for Lily in Snape's last memory, as viewed by Harry.
Yeah, I know you may think this is weird. But those who know me so well, they know that I got a different 'taste' from common people. Most people will like Harry or Hermione- or maybe Dumbledore. But to me, Snape is always my favorite..
Severus Snape was born on January 9th, 1960. His mother is a pure-blood witch and his father is a muggle, that makes him a half-blood wizard. As a child, Severus was apparently neglected and his parents often fought. He could not wait to leave for Hogwart at the end of the summer.
Not only brilliant in potion-making, Snape also got a way in Dark Arts. He excelled at the Dark Arts from an early age. At the age of 11 he knew more curses and hexes than most of the seventh year students. He's exceptional.
But that is not the reason why I fall for him. I love Snape because of his love for Lily, Harry's mother. He loves her truly, madly, deeply..
Snape knew Lily- since his childhood. She lived in the same town with him. Severus noticed her evident magical abilities and began making friendly overtures. The two bonded quickly and it appears that he was very interested in Lily right from the beginning, which was never returned though she regarded him as a friend.
Severus suffered terrible remorse when Voldemort decided to go after Harry. That means Lily, the woman who he always loved was in danger.
Dumbledore told him: "If you loved Lily, if you truly loved her, then your way forward is clear. You know how and why she died. Make sure it was not in vain. Help me protect Lily's son." So he did. He continued living on to complete Dumbledore's plan to protect Harry and defeat Voldemort-- and he continued to love Lily for the rest of his life. Everything he did in the latter part of his life was motivated by his devotion to Lily, whom he loved unconditionally.
Indeed, Snape's Patronus was a doe, just like Lily's, showing that his love for her was stronger than his loyalty to Lord Voldemort.
ps: and.. i think it ain't a coincidence either that mine's also a doe...